To be open

By Yuna Shimizu (The Fountain staff)
January 22,2018

2019 has started, Ayako Yajima finished two years in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU). “I learned many things from many people, and take a look at myself again and again. Thought APU life, I was negative about myself when I came to APU, but little bit change my mind to positive” Ayako said

She has done BIL whichis Basketball club, Teacher Assistant (TA) of Peer Leader (PA), Language Immersion Program. Now, she belongs with Junior Assistant Advisers of Career (JAC) and International and Japanese Students Community (IJC). The reason why she applied many things in many fields is she wants to be open-minded. To do many activities with different people make her more open. Ayako was not active in her community before she went abroad in high school for one year. After coming back to Japan, she realized that she wants to be active, and meet many people and felt and experienced a lot.

The reason why Ayako applied to TA of PA is, when she took PA class, TA helped to change her character a lot. She was shy to do new things and feel negative to do with other members in the class. TA gave advice to Ayako “just try first, the result would come later". She believed this, and then she could solve problems in this class.

She is planing to go to another country for study and internship. She was interested in other countries since she went to Costa Rica. She wants to utilize her past experience and acquired skill in her exchange program.

JAC will hold an event called "HAVE YOU DECIDED YOUR MAJOR?" on Jan 23, 4 periods in F213 for APM and F214 for APS. They want people who have not to decide major yet to come. JAC invites senior and will do panel discussion and also visitor can ask questions to senior about major. This event is highly recommended for all of you 1st and 2nd-year students. Ayako is in charge of a cameraman in this event. She has the experience to organize an event as a leader in JAC event last time. So now, she stands outside of event little bit and keeps her eye to other members in JAC. “I am not sure what am I am going to do next, but I want to do what I want first.


  1. Yes, I think studying abroad changes everything. It certainly did for me. Do you know if Ayako has decided her major yet?

  2. This was fun to read to me because I know she is a member of IJC as well as me. Also I look up her doing such a lot of things like being a TA,PA. I wish I can mange time and someday be a TA of courses at APU!

  3. It's interesting story.
    I know her character, so I wonder she was shy before.
    If She changed due to her challenge, I have to send respect to her because I'm also shy.

  4. she look soo cute..
    for the writer of this article, i was kind of confusing what she really wants to tell people through her life. being positive or open?

  5. I have leaned a lot of things from this arctic. Especially, I thought action is most important to change yourself, so I need to be active and enjoy in university. Finally, her smile makes us happy.

  6. I was really moved the process of becoming active.


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