Practice to Evacuate from Tsunami

written by Michel

A lot of smartphones in Beppu city were ringed as it was an air-raid warning and a siren was also sounded from eight speakers.

"Tsunami disaster day drill day", a practice to evacuate from tsunami when an earthquake occurs, was held on Nov. 5 in Beppu city. Beppu city assumes that if Tsunami as big as Tohoku hit this city, the downtown area would be swallowed easily.

The day was constituted as "Tsunami disaster drill day" not to forget the memory when Tohoku district was hit by Tsunami and has been treated as since 2011, so this practice was held on the day. Therefore after 2011, not only Beppu city but also various city have straightened a practice.

In downtown, citizens did walk for a mountain to evacuate from a tsunami, and there was an individual way to practice in a hot spring area. Every day a lot of foreigners as tourists come to this area, but they are not used to a natural disaster--how to evacuate, protect themselves. That's why they carried out that to be accustomed to inducing customers safely.

A Korean student in APU said that I was gotten up when the siren was ringed and I thought that North Korea shot a missile. Namely, he felt that sound is an alarm of war.


  1. What practice is necessary for Beppu city?

  2. What is the solution of evacuation for foreigners?


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