Refugees Photo Exhibition at APU

Photos with explanations

by Ayaka Okamoto(The Fountain staff)

One APU student organization,

piece×peace and some volunteers
held a photo exhibition of refugees
on Oct.16 in A building on campus.

Students who came to the
exhibition could learn about different
refugee group. The exhibition
showed refugees living conditions
as well as Japanese system for
receiving them.

One of the piece×peace member
Asano Nagisa, APU second year
student organized this event for
APU. Asano said “ I want people
to know real situation of refugees
and have their own opinions through
the media. I hope that thanks to
this event, student will have positive
idea about reception of refugees.
” The word, refugee is going to
disappear some day is one of
volunteer hopes.

They exhibit about 30 photographs
with explanation of the photograph
and present situations of refugees.
The photographs were not only about
Syrian refugees but also about the  
African refugees, Rohingya and
refugees living in Japan and so on.

The big organization, UNHCR and
Amnesty International were sponsors,
so they donated the photographs. Also
they screened short video about Syrian
refugees. Students prepared all of
things. For example, they translated
from English to Japanese and display
photos with some volunteers.

One of volunteers , Tei-en APS third
year, said “ I want to continue charity
works for refugees.” The organizers
are  planning to have some events
about refugees to realize their dreams.     
These are about people living on the ship.
These are about Syrian refugees


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